Transforming Breast Cancer Together (TBCT) issues a statement in response to the European Parliament Special Committee’s Beating Cancer draft report
The European Parliament’s Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) has published its draft report on “strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy”. The draft was prepared by rapporteur Véronique Trillet-Lenoir (RE, France). In light of this draft report, TBCT decided to welcome the development by issuing a statement on the draft report, in which it commends the rapporteur for her excellent work and highlights the areas that need further consideration in light of the final report. WWC is a founding member of the TBCT. We are pushing as much as we can the need for cancer survivors (primary and advanced) to be proactively supported and not face discrimination if they wish to return to work. We believe that our advocacy is now being heard both within the EU Parliament and more widely in Europe.
You can read TBCT’s statement here, and the full draft report here.