Take Part in Ground Breaking Research This Summer
Posted: 2nd July 2024
The number of under-50s worldwide being diagnosed with cancer has risen by nearly 80% in 30 years but research has shown that 50% of employees are afraid to tell their employers. ‘With more than 178,000 people diagnosed this year in the UK alone, responsible leadership demands more than just compliance with regulations: it requires empathy,… [Read More]

A better future for those with breast cancer: published to mark World Cancer Day
Posted: 8th February 2022
One in two people will hear the words ‘You have cancer’ at some point in their life. Although the outlook and quality of life for breast cancer patients has improved significantly in recent years, a lot more work remains to be done to ensure that breast cancer is screened, diagnosed and treated at an early stage and those living with or after breast cancer can successfully manage work, return to work, or find work during or after treatment. On the occasion of World Cancer Day 2022, all members of the Transforming Breast Cancer Together initiative reminded EU policy makers that improving the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life of those with breast cancer must remain a high priority.

Posted: 5th November 2021
WWC has been working with The Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance on an awareness campaign ‘Uncovered: The truth about working with advanced breast cancer’ focused on goal number 10 of the ABC Global Charter: to help patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) continue to work by implementing legislation that protects their right to work and… [Read More]

Posted: 2nd November 2021
Being able to work with or after cancer is an unresearched area but one of increasing importance to our society. Because of this Working With Cancer has partnered with the Institute of Employment Studies and Dr Liz O’Riordan, Breast Cancer Consultant Surgeon to develop a survey which will enable us to understand the challenges cancer… [Read More]

Working with advanced breast cancer: building on our advanced Cancer campaign
Posted: 30th July 2021
WWC is working with The Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance on an awareness campaign focused on goal number 10 of the ABC Global Charter: to help patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) continue to work by implementing legislation that protects their right to work and ensures flexible and accommodating workplace environments. A key part of this… [Read More]

Transforming Breast Cancer Together (TBCT) issues a statement in response to the European Parliament Special Committee’s Beating Cancer draft report
Posted: 6th July 2021
The European Parliament’s Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) has published its draft report on “strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer – towards a comprehensive and coordinated strategy”. The draft was prepared by rapporteur Véronique Trillet-Lenoir (RE, France). In light of this draft report, TBCT decided to welcome the development by issuing a statement on… [Read More]

Transforming Breast Cancer Together – Renewed Call for Change
Posted: 7th June 2021
Transforming Breast Cancer Together has published its Renewed Call for Change position paper in response to the publication of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP). Overall, TBCT members applaud the ambitious scope of the Plan and would like to bring to the attention of the European Commission, the European Parliament and Member States, key recommendations that… [Read More]

Cancer Survivors at Work – The Unspoken Truths
Posted: 30th March 2021
On Tuesday 16th March, Barbara Wilson and Stephen Bevan made a (pre-recorded) presentation to the 2021 Health and Wellbeing at Work conference with the title ‘Cancer Survivors at Work – The Unspoken Truths’ followed by a live Q &A. You can find a copy of the full presentation here
Achieving Quality of Life for Cancer Patients and Survivors: Returning to Work
Posted: 29th January 2021
As mentioned in the December newsletter, WWC became a supporter of ECO (European Cancer Organisation) last year and was able to contribute to a paper prepared by its Survivorship and Quality of Life Network: Free from Cancer: Achieving Quality of Life for All Cancer Patients and Survivors. Following this we contributed some slides to ECO’s… [Read More]

RedArc adds specialist cancer organisation to its partner panel
Posted: 17th November 2020
We are pleased to confirm that WWC’s coaching and training support has been added to the panel of additional services offered by RedArc nurses, thus expanding the range of their services and the range of clients WWC will be able to support. Barbara Wilson commented “Every two minutes someone is diagnosed with cancer so we can… [Read More]