
Transforming Breast Cancer Together: White Paper publication
Posted: 29th January 2019
The Transforming Breast Cancer Initiative today published a White Paper, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of the status of breast cancer prevention, diagnosis and care across Europe, and identifies concrete actions which would help to ensure equal access and better outcomes for patients across Europe. To address these challenges, the initiative renewed its ‘Call for… [Read More]

War on Cancer Conference
Posted: 26th November 2018
Barbara Wilson attended the War on Cancer Europe Conference in London on 20 November, and is pictured here with Working With Cancer’s Novartis clients. L to R: Liz Barrett (CEO, Novartis Oncology), Kees Roks (Head Region Europe, Novartis Oncology), Ivana Cattaneo (Director of Public Affairs, Novartis Oncology Europe), Barbara Wilson and Victoria Foote (Head of Patient… [Read More]

ASTRiiD – making visible the invisible talent pool
Posted: 25th October 2018
We’re delighted to introduce a new partner – ASTRiiD – helping people with chronic conditions like cancer to get back into work. Aiming to connect the millions of people with chronic, often incurable and advanced health conditions with businesses seeking skilled volunteers or staff, ASTRiiD (Available Skills for Training, Refreshing, Improvement, Innovation and Development), is a first-of-its-kind professional… [Read More]

WWC announces new research project
Posted: 25th April 2018
We are delighted to announce a new project in which we are hoping our supporters and coachees will be willing to participate. It’s in a very good cause! The long-term goal is that the research will provide insights that will enable individuals and employers to facilitate the transition back to work following cancer. The research… [Read More]

Transforming Breast Cancer Together: A Call for Change
Posted: 4th April 2018
Representatives of the three main political groups in the European Parliament have today launched a ‘Call for Change’ to transform breast cancer care in the EU. They call on EU institutions, EU Member States’ authorities and all relevant stakeholders to invest more in breast cancer prevention, treatment and care in order to ensure that… [Read More]
WWC’s Barbara Wilson taking part in follow-up European Parliamentary Event on Breast Cancer
Posted: 30th January 2018
Barbara Wilson is at the European Parliament in Brussels on 31 January to attend a follow-up session to “An Initiative on Breast Cancer Awareness” Roundtable Discussion, which took place on 8 November 2017. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the concrete follow-up actions for the benefit of Breast Cancer Patients in 2018. A… [Read More]
Interview with Barbara Wilson – Women in Business Radio Show
Posted: 15th January 2018
Barbara was a guest on the Women in Business Radio Show on Thursday 11th January where she was interviewed by Sian Murphy. The interview was packed with information for employers including how to support an employee coping with the physical and psychological side effects of cancer, the practicalities of dealing with chemo-brain and how to… [Read More]

WWC’s Barbara Wilson taking part in European Parliament Round Table Discussion on Breast Cancer
Posted: 26th October 2017
Working With Cancer is taking part in a policy discussion event being hosted in the European Parliament on 8th November. The event brings together Members of the European Parliament, European Commission, EU member States representatives, experts and stakeholders from the scientific community, civil society and industry to discuss how to join forces in the fight… [Read More]

Working with Cancer podcast
Posted: 1st August 2017
Barbara, our Founder, was interviewed recently by Kat Luckock of Share Impact about the work we do at WWC and how she came to set up the Company. Listen to this podcast about her experience of managing work and cancer, of setting up a social enterprise, and about the work we do to support people… [Read More]

Working After Cancer – series of one-day workshops
Posted: 14th April 2017
We are running a series of one-day workshops this year for the Lymphoma Association in partnership with Shine Cancer Support. The first workshop was held in Southampton in March. The second workshop will be held in Manchester on Wednesday 7th June with two more planned this year in Newcastle and London. If you would be interested in… [Read More]