Changing the conversation about work and cancer


Black Spot

Posted: 27th June 2024

Our regular contributor, Harmer Parr, is now on palliative care, designed to make his last months as comfortable as possible. In this article, he reflects on his cancer diagnoses and treatments over the years and his palliative journey.

Home Straight

Posted: 19th March 2024

WWC regular contributor, Harmer Parr, has previously updated us about his advanced cancer, Melvyn the Melanoma. Harmer is now, as he puts it, on the ‘home straight’ having been discharged from the hospital and having further treatment, and now in the hands of his hospice team and excellent GP.

Skill Shortages? Great Resignation? How Retaining Workers With Chronic Illnesses Can Help

Posted: 14th July 2022

WWC Ambassador Stephen Bevan, head of HR Research Development for the Institute of Employment Studies (IES), shares his thoughts on how employers can address skills shortages by supporting employees living with long term conditions or with caring responsibilities.

Return to Work – A symbol of normality or yet another challenge for cancer patients?

Posted: 8th February 2022

Frances Fitzgerald MEP Chair of Transforming Breast Cancer Together Long-term survival rates for breast cancer are improving. This is good news for World Cancer Day, held every 4th of February, as the global initiative to reimagine a world where millions of cancer deaths are prevented and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is available… [Read More]

Overcoming the Barriers to Living and Working with Cancer

Posted: 8th February 2022

Most of what you read about cancer on Friday 4th February (World Cancer Day) was naturally about the search for new and better treatments, the benefits of screening and self-care and the importance of supporting patients and their families. With 50% of people born after 1960 likely to receive a cancer diagnosis at some time in their lives, each of us has a good reason to improve our awareness of its impact. But one aspect of the cancer story which gets less coverage is the impact that it has on the working lives of people living with the disease and those who care for them. On Friday we launched a report with Working With Cancer containing new data from over 1200 working age people who are living with cancer, and our findings show a distinctly mixed picture.

The End of Furlough, Redundancy, and Its Implications For Cancer Survivors

Posted: 11th October 2021

In this article, WWC Associate Génevie Kuiper-Isaacson, provides some useful information for cancer survivors on what may happen now the furlough scheme has ended. ‘At the end of September 2021, the Furlough scheme came to an end at which point there were 1.8 million people still claiming furlough, equating to 1 in 20 people who… [Read More]

Working with Advanced or Metastatic Cancer

Posted: 30th March 2021

This year Working With Cancer is working to raise awareness of this issue and have invited those with advanced or metastatic cancer, and who are still working, to contribute their stories and photos. Here is one story by Neil Walker, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer at the age of 49. It was… [Read More]

Dealing with ‘Chemo Brain’ at work

Posted: 30th March 2021

In this article, our Associate Isabel van der Ven explains what ‘chemo brain’ is, its impact, how it affected her and most importantly, what you can do to overcome the challenges and frustrations it can cause. Read more here

Living and Working with secondary cancer; my story by Maggie Stephens

Posted: 30th March 2021

Maggie Stephens, business copywriter, editor and presenter, talks about dealing with her secondary breast cancer diagnosis during lockdown last year.  “There’s no good time to be told that you have secondary breast cancer, but just before Christmas in the midst of a Covid-19 lockdown definitely wouldn’t have been my first choice …  “ Read more… [Read More]

Work and Cancer – the challenges of returning to work during a pandemic

Posted: 23rd February 2021

WWC Associate, Louise Barrett, writes about the challenges of returning to work following cancer treatment – and during a pandemic. Returning to work following cancer treatment is never easy at the best of times. It is often described as feeling like you are jumping on a fast-moving train, bringing with it feelings of anxiety and… [Read More]

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