
Work, Cancer and Caring: What to do?
Posted: 23rd July 2018
A diagnosis of cancer has a profound impact on the person diagnosed and it also affects their family, friends and colleagues. The emotional and psychological toll on the person diagnosed is well documented but we want to draw attention to the impact of a cancer diagnosis on the person who is a carer and who… [Read More]
Working Carers- The Lost Tribe?
Posted: 6th June 2016
I remember it distinctly. It was just another rather mundane day at the office when I left a meeting to take an urgent phone call. One of our employees had recently become a dad but now – just a few weeks later – a routine blood test had revealed that his wife had acute myeloid… [Read More]
Working while caring for someone with cancer: the issues carers face and how employers can help
Posted: 1st June 2014
How often have we in HR stated in our visions, missions, strategies and policies that ‘our people are our greatest asset’ and /or that we aim to be an ‘employer of choice’? But what does this mean in practice – when our employees have to cope with life’s misfortunes and emergencies? What can you do… [Read More]
How can managers support working carers who look after someone with cancer?
Posted: 1st December 2013
What should employers do..what is essential and what is good practice? Let’s start with the essential: there are various pieces of legislation that employers should be aware of Written for Macmillan Cancer Support, December 2013 Read the full article here