Combating Cancer feature in The Times 16th October 2019
Posted: 16th October 2019
Working With Cancer recently contributed to a special ‘Combating Cancer’ feature which appeared in The Times on 16th October. The full article was commissioned by Raconteur and can be found here and at Our contribution is in the article ‘Dealing with Cancer in the Workplace’ on Page 10’.

Five common misconceptions about Cancer at work
Posted: 29th April 2019
Working With Cancer’s Founder and Director, Barbara Wilson, has contributed an article to The HR Director Magazine: ‘In the UK, there are currently 900,000 people of working age living with cancer, and the impressive increase in survival rates (in the UK cancer survival for 10 or more years has doubled from 24% to 50%) means that… [Read More]

Changing the Conversation around Work and Cancer
Posted: 11th April 2019
Our Ambassador, Liz O’Riordan, has written a blog about her experience of returning to work after her cancer diagnosis. ‘ I spent most of my working life treating patients with cancer, but until I was diagnosed with cancer myself, I had no idea what a huge impact cancer would have on my own working life. … [Read More]

Lieve Wierinck MEP discusses ‘Transforming Breast Cancer Together’ with Barbara Wilson
Posted: 23rd July 2018
Lieve Wierinck MEP is leading an exciting new initiative in which we are delighted to be participating with the aim of transforming breast cancer care in the EU. This interview with Lieve is part of the ‘String of Pearls’, a series of initiatives aimed at improving services for women in Europe with breast cancer and… [Read More]

Barbara Wilson interview in HRD Connect – Working with Cancer
Posted: 19th July 2018
Barbara Wilson was recently interviewed by HRD Connect, a publication for Senior HR leaders, about her experience of a cancer diagnosis in the workplace. She also provides useful and important advice for employers and employees on how to support a colleague returning to work after a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Read the full interview here

Woman & Home Magazine – an interview with Barbara Wilson
Posted: 9th August 2017
An interview with Barbara Wilson appears in the September issue of Woman & Home magazine. Barbara talks about what inspired her to set up Working with Cancer, and the support she received from the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE). Read the full article here
Life after Cancer
Posted: 17th July 2017
This powerful blog by Chloe Fox, posted in the Sunday Times on 9th July, describes how a cancer diagnosis gets all of us to ask some fundamental questions of ourselves. “Cancer locks you inside your own body and out of your own life….It forces you to ask yourself the one question that only you can… [Read More]

Cancer at Work: An Interview with Barbara Wilson
Posted: 28th April 2017
Read Barbara Wilson’s interview with the Harley Street Concierge Blog in the first in a series of articles about Cancer in the Workplace. Barbara discusses a variety of topics including her personal experience of breast cancer; how companies could improve their support for employees and what you should do if you’re feeling unsupported at work Read the full article here

Working together towards recovery
Posted: 9th March 2017
For International Women’s Day Barbara was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph for their special supplement on Diversity in the Workplace. Read Daily Telegraph article here (PDF)
An MP’s experience and advice about working with cancer: Jo Churchill
Posted: 26th April 2016
“It’s really important employers understand that when they are dealing with somebody they are dealing with the person, not the cancer” Jo Churchill talks about her two experiences of cancer, how she dealt with it and what she learned about herself, about other people, about work and about life. Read full article here (PDF) Jo… [Read More]