The stories the newspapers don’t cover
4th December 2015Posted:
I’m sure you will have noticed how many stories there are in the press these days about cancer. Sometimes they are about celebrities and sometimes they are about ordinary people who are coping with, living beyond and dealing with varying cancer diagnoses. These are always inspiring stories of human resilience and emotional strength in the… [Read More]
There’s no such thing as the ‘usual’ approach to cancer
23rd October 2015Posted:
Since I started working with Macmillan and the team at Working With Cancer, I’ve learned many things about the condition. But when I’m helping organisations to support employees with, or caring for those with, cancer – there are just two that I want them to remember: Every cancer is different for every person Most people have… [Read More]
What does the Equality Act mean for Employers?
7th September 2015Posted:
Line managers, as the statistics show*, often don’t realise that the Equality Act 2010 (Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Northern Ireland) covers cancer or understand what is meant by ‘reasonable adjustments’. So, for example, after six to eight weeks of a phased return, they typically expect an ‘employee’ recovering from cancer treatment to be ‘back to… [Read More]
A conversation with Barbara Wilson
7th July 2015Posted:
It has been a challenging year for Halsey Keetch, and yet we have been lucky enough to find ourselves in touch with, and supported by, some extraordinary people over the past few months. Having been affected deeply recently, both personally and professionally, by the impact of serious illness, I was drawn to the work and… [Read More]
Working with Cancer – Challenges for Employees and Employers
2nd July 2015Posted:
We all know that the incidence of cancer is increasing. There are currently 2.5 million people living with cancer and by 2030 it is estimated that there will be 4 million people living with cancer. There are currently 750,000 people of working age with cancer and this number is also likely to double over the next… [Read More]
Preparing line managers to talk with staff affected by cancer
11th June 2015Posted:
For many managers, probably the most difficult aspect of managing employees diagnosed with cancer is having that first conversation – of dealing with the news and offering support. It is a critical moment because how a line manager reacts to the news, at first and then afterwards, has been shown to have a significant impact… [Read More]
Protecting a Returning Employee from the Expectations of their Colleagues
28th May 2015Posted:
It’s a common assumption amongst employees recovering from cancer and their employers that having followed a phased return to work – for example working three hours a day for one week, four hours a day the next week and so on – the majority of cancer survivors will be back at work and pretty much… [Read More]
Supporting a successful return to work after cancer
27th April 2015Posted:
We all know that the incidence of cancer is increasing. Cancer Research UK recently reported that 1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. By 2030 it is estimated that there will be 4 million people living with cancer. So dealing effectively… [Read More]
What should employers consider when appraising an employee affected by cancer, including carers?
10th March 2015Posted:
As you know individuals who have cancer are covered by the 2010 Equality Act (or the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act if living in Northern Ireland) from the point of diagnosis. As part of this, employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments if existing working arrangements put the affected person at a substantial disadvantage compared… [Read More]
Workplace Well-being: how it can include cancer
11th December 2014Posted:
When considering how cancer fits in to your organisation’s Well-being strategy, you may focus on prevention and early detection. Offering screening opportunities for staff and raising awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer are important activities to include. But what about your staff who have been diagnosed with cancer and have remained in or returned… [Read More]
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