Changing the conversation about work and cancer


Blogs and articles written for various organisations about managing work and cancer. We have organised these according to whether you are: someone who has/has had cancer; an HR professional or a policy maker about managing cancer in the workplace; a line manager; a carer, colleague or supporter of someone with cancer. Choose from the options below:

Or, click here to view a full list of articles.

When a colleague has cancer it can impact the whole team. Here are some ways to support them throughout the process

Posted: 7th July 2017

Finding out a colleague has cancer, particularly if you work very closely with them, can be a big shock. Often they are our friends as well as colleagues and the organisation’s focus is very much on supporting the affected employee. This is as it should be, but the impact on the wider team shouldn’t be… [Read More]

One story of working through cancer treatment

Posted: 7th July 2017

First there’s the shock and the disbelief. Then there’s the realisation that life goes on, that there are decisions – big decisions – to be made about how you are going to live it. When I got my breast cancer diagnosis in May 2012 I was in the middle of a big fundraising project for… [Read More]

Before returning to work: Plan for a gradual return but be flexible

Posted: 30th June 2017

In our third instalment of the cancer journey we are looking at how you prepare to return to work after treatment. You may really want to go back to work – most of us do – but the thought of how you will manage this, especially if you have a physically or emotionally demanding job… [Read More]

The importance of good communication when supporting an employee with cancer

Posted: 28th June 2017

Talking about cancer in the workplace isn’t always easy. It can be frightening, awkward to discuss, and very personal. Some people find it easy to talk about their cancer but others are more private. Factors like gender, age or cultural differences can also make a conversation more difficult. For example, some men may not want… [Read More]

The typical ‘journey’ back to work – how it works – Stage 2

Posted: 23rd June 2017

Last week we looked at how to manage work when you’ve had your cancer diagnosis confirmed. This week we’re going to look at how to manage work when you’re in active treatment. Download the full article here Written by Barbara Wilson, Founder, Working With Cancer

The typical ‘journey’ back to work – how it works

Posted: 16th June 2017

I really hate that word ‘journey’ when people talk about cancer. When I say it, I do that curled fingers in the air quote mark sign that tries to make it clear it is a cliché which I don’t really want to use but must because the English language doesn’t appear to offer a better… [Read More]

Cancer Coaching Community

Posted: 24th May 2017

Working With Cancer’s founder, Barbara Wilson, is also a founding member of the Cancer Coaching Community, which launched last month. Read more here about the CCC and the support we provide to all people affected by cancer.

Did you know the Equality Act 2010 protects students as well as employees?

Posted: 2nd May 2017

As a Solicitor for almost 20 years specialising in employment law, encountering litigation in respect of cancer in the work place was rare. Disability, yes, on a daily basis, from physical to mental disability but never cancer as a disability. Having looked at the statistics for people being diagnosed with cancer this seems almost impossible… [Read More]

Cancer at Work: An Interview with Barbara Wilson

Posted: 28th April 2017

Read Barbara Wilson’s interview with the Harley Street Concierge Blog  in the first in a series of articles about Cancer in the Workplace.  Barbara discusses a variety of topics including her personal experience ​of​ breast cancer; ​how ​companies ​could improve their ​support​ for​ employees​ and ​what you ​should ​do if you’re feeling unsupported at work ​Read the full article here

Top tips on how to support a colleague during and after cancer treatment

Posted: 22nd March 2017

Cancer is having a huge impact within the workplace and this will continue and increase for the foreseeable future. Although long-term absence[1] (lasting over four weeks) only accounts for 5% of all absence episodes, it typically accounts for 30–40% of total working time lost. In 2013 it was estimated to cost the UK £4bn per… [Read More]

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