Changing the conversation about work and cancer


Important initial research findings about the psychological engagement of people returning to work after cancer

12th April 2019


In 2018, WWC supported a research study conducted by our associate Andrew Parsons at the University of Hertfordshire.  Andrew (with his Supervisor Dr Colleen Addicott), presented his initial findings at the British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology meeting in Chester on the 9th January 2019. The title of the talk was “The aftershock of … [Read More]

Changing the Conversation around Work and Cancer

11th April 2019


Our Ambassador, Liz O’Riordan, has written a blog about her experience of returning to work after her cancer diagnosis. ‘ I spent most of my working life treating patients with cancer, but until I was diagnosed with cancer myself, I had no idea what a huge impact cancer would have on my own working life. … [Read More]

‘Transforming Breast Cancer Together’ Initiative: Manifesto Launch

10th April 2019


Breast cancer is still the leading cause of death in women. Prevention, screening and care must be made a priority on EU and national agendas. We are proud to be part of a European initiative to raise awareness & drive change. Read the press release and Manifesto, published today, to find out more.

Liz O’Riordan joins Working With Cancer to promote benefits of work during cancer treatment

20th March 2019


 We are delighted to announce that Liz O’Riordan is joining Working With Cancer as an Ambassador. Liz will be promoting Working With Cancer at events and online, as part of their work in helping cancer patients and their carers manage work and treatment on a practical and emotional level. Liz was a 40-year-old consultant breast… [Read More]

‘I have cancer but I want to work. Working rights of cancer patients’. An initiative of the ABC Global Alliance

4th February 2019


Meeting Report ‘I have cancer but I want to work. Working rights of cancer patients’. An initiative of the ABC Global Alliance  7 November 2018, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. On 7 November Barbara Wilson took part at an event at the European Parliament in Brussels, organised by the ABC Global Alliance, calling on European politicians… [Read More]

Transforming Breast Cancer Together: White Paper publication

29th January 2019


The Transforming Breast Cancer Initiative today published a White Paper, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of the status of breast cancer prevention, diagnosis and care across Europe, and identifies concrete actions which would help to ensure equal access and better outcomes for patients across Europe. To address these challenges, the initiative renewed its ‘Call for… [Read More]

When more sleep won’t do it: Tackling cancer-related fatigue

10th January 2019


Fatigue – one of the most common side effects of cancer – can have a devastating physical and psychological impact on the lives of cancer survivors. It can also cause an individual severe financial problems if they are unable to return to full-time or part-time work. Here are some excerpts from a longer article published in… [Read More]

How I Managed My Work and Cancer: A Personal Perspective

7th January 2019


Esther To shares her personal experiences of returning to work during her cancer treatment. ‘I was 35 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  At the time, I was still building on my HR career.  I was gaining more exposure and experience which I felt I needed to be able to step up.  I couldn’t… [Read More]

War on Cancer Conference

26th November 2018


Barbara Wilson attended the War on Cancer Europe Conference in London on 20 November, and is pictured here with Working With Cancer’s Novartis clients. L to R:  Liz Barrett (CEO, Novartis Oncology), Kees Roks (Head Region Europe, Novartis Oncology),  Ivana Cattaneo (Director of Public Affairs, Novartis Oncology Europe), Barbara Wilson and Victoria Foote (Head of Patient… [Read More]

Managing cancer, life and work: Lisa’s experience – a case study for the ABC Global Alliance


Former WWC coachee, Lisa Mann, talks about her experiences of returning to work during her cancer treatment; this case study was discussed at the ABC Global Alliance EU Parliament event ‘Transforming Breast Cancer Together’ on 7 November 2018. Read the full article here

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