Changing the conversation about work and cancer


Receiving a secondary and incurable diagnosis

7th February 2022


This is the fourth of a series of five blogs by Lynne Connolly, who is Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at a global investment company, about her experience of working with secondary cancer and what advice she would give to others about supporting people managing work during cancer treatment. We will be posting the final blog next week.

Cancer Patients Returning to Work Face a Mental Health Crisis

4th February 2022


New research published today reveals that the majority of working-age cancer patients say that the mental health impact of their treatment is greater than the physical impact. Most feel guilty about taking time off for vital treatment and worry that they are a burden to their colleagues. And while there is a large fall in full-time working for those returning to work, the majority remain the main income-earner in their household. Click the title to read the full Press Release

Returning to work after cancer treatment

1st February 2022


This is the third of a series of five blogs by Lynne Connolly, who is Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at a global investment company, about her experience of working with secondary cancer and what advice she would give to others about supporting people managing work during cancer treatment. We will be posting the remaining blogs over the next couple of weeks.

Being away from work

24th January 2022


This is the second of a series of five blogs by Lynne Connolly, who is Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at a global investment company, about her experience of working with secondary cancer and what advice she would give to others about supporting people managing work during cancer treatment. We will be posting each of the remaining blogs over the next three weeks.

Stepping away from work after a cancer diagnosis

18th January 2022


This is the first of a series of five blogs by Lynne Connolly, who is Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at a global investment company, about her experience of working with secondary cancer and what advice she would give to others about supporting people managing work during cancer treatment. We will be posting each of the remaining blogs over the next four weeks.


5th November 2021


WWC has been working with The Advanced Breast Cancer Global Alliance on an awareness campaign ‘Uncovered: The truth about working with advanced breast cancer’ focused on goal number 10 of the ABC Global Charter: to help patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) continue to work by implementing legislation that protects their right to work and… [Read More]


2nd November 2021


Being able to work with or after cancer is an unresearched area but one of increasing importance to our society. Because of this Working With Cancer has partnered with the Institute of Employment Studies and Dr Liz O’Riordan, Breast Cancer Consultant Surgeon to develop a survey which will enable us to understand the challenges cancer… [Read More]

Cancer During Covid and My Game of Sick Leave Roulette

11th October 2021


Guest writer, Sarah Casemore, talks about her cancer diagnosis at the start of Covid, and treatment during lockdown. ‘In April 2020 at the start of Covid-19 lockdown, aged 48 with 2 teenage sons, I felt a lump in my left breast in what can only be described as feeling like a hard lemon pip whilst… [Read More]

The End of Furlough, Redundancy, and Its Implications For Cancer Survivors


In this article, WWC Associate Génevie Kuiper-Isaacson, provides some useful information for cancer survivors on what may happen now the furlough scheme has ended. ‘At the end of September 2021, the Furlough scheme came to an end at which point there were 1.8 million people still claiming furlough, equating to 1 in 20 people who… [Read More]

Bring me sunshine!  Living with a Melanoma called Melvyn


Guest Writer, Harmer Parr, provides an update on his adventures with Melvyn the Melanoma, since his last article for our website in 2019. ‘In 2017, he’d come back for a third visit, seemingly on a ten-year orbit. This visit was my invitation to the departure lounge, as he’d sprinkled his stardust into a couple more… [Read More]

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