Changing the conversation about work and cancer


It’s time to reimagine care and transform breast cancer together, argues MEP Frances Fitzgerald

Posted: 5th November 2020

MEP Frances Fitzgerald, a member of Parliament’s Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee, has written an opinion piece for The Parliament Magazine in #EPGenderEqualityWeek.  She says it’s now more important than ever to ensure minimum disruption to the treatment and lives of patients suffering from conditions such as breast cancer.  The full article can be… [Read More]

Transforming Breast Cancer Together: Bridging the Gap in Breast Cancer Care

Posted: 27th October 2020

Breast  cancer  is the  most  common  cancer  among  women  in  Europe,  yet  there  are  still huge gaps  in  breast  cancer  care.  The  current  pandemic  has  deepened  these  challenges,  as the continuity of treatments and care for patients have been severely disrupted.  To raise  awareness  on this pressing  issue,  Transforming  Breast  Cancer  Together  recently organised  a… [Read More]

The European Code of Cancer Practice (The Code)

Posted: 24th September 2020

The European Code of Cancer Practice (The Code) is a citizen and patient-centred manifesto of the core requirements for good clinical cancer practice, in order to improve outcomes for all of Europe’s cancer patients.  It has been co-produced by a team of cancer patients, patient advocates and cancer professionals.  The Code focusses on informing and assisting cancer patients… [Read More]

World Kidney Cancer Day

Posted: 17th June 2020

Our Associate Louise Barrett talks about returning to work after treatment for cancer, and finding her work-life balance, in this special video produced by Ipsen for World Kidney Cancer Day (WKCD) on 18th June.

TBCT statement

Posted: 1st May 2020

In the light of current coronavirus pandemic, the Transforming Breast Cancer Together initiative of which WWC is a founding member decided to issue a joint statement outlining the challenges that breast cancer patients are encountering during the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement emphasises the importance of ensuring that all those affected by breast cancer can access… [Read More]

Combating Cancer feature in The Times 16th October 2019

Posted: 16th October 2019

Working With Cancer recently contributed to a special ‘Combating Cancer’ feature which appeared in The Times on 16th October. The full article was commissioned by Raconteur and can be found here and at   Our contribution is in the article ‘Dealing with Cancer in the Workplace’ on Page 10’.

All.Can Patient Survey: ‘Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency’

Posted: 31st July 2019

All.Can international have released a new report titled ‘Patient insights on cancer care: opportunities for improving efficiency’.  The report reveals findings from an international survey on the patient perspective of inefficiencies in cancer care. With insights from almost 4,000 patients in more than 10 countries, the report identifies four key areas of opportunity for improvement:… [Read More]

Important initial research findings about the psychological engagement of people returning to work after cancer

Posted: 12th April 2019

In 2018, WWC supported a research study conducted by our associate Andrew Parsons at the University of Hertfordshire.  Andrew (with his Supervisor Dr Colleen Addicott), presented his initial findings at the British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology meeting in Chester on the 9th January 2019. The title of the talk was “The aftershock of … [Read More]

‘Transforming Breast Cancer Together’ Initiative: Manifesto Launch

Posted: 10th April 2019

Breast cancer is still the leading cause of death in women. Prevention, screening and care must be made a priority on EU and national agendas. We are proud to be part of a European initiative to raise awareness & drive change. Read the press release and Manifesto, published today, to find out more.

‘I have cancer but I want to work. Working rights of cancer patients’. An initiative of the ABC Global Alliance

Posted: 4th February 2019

Meeting Report ‘I have cancer but I want to work. Working rights of cancer patients’. An initiative of the ABC Global Alliance  7 November 2018, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. On 7 November Barbara Wilson took part at an event at the European Parliament in Brussels, organised by the ABC Global Alliance, calling on European politicians… [Read More]

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